Jednym z częstych problemów naszych wodociągów są nieodpowiednie nawyki mieszkańców, związane z korzystaniem z sieci sanitarnej. Wszystko to, co nadprogramowo trafia do kanalizacji, prędzej czy później powoduje zatory i awarie, a tym samym generuje dodatkowe koszty...

Wedding Customs from all over the World

There is a great deal of tradition from all over the globe when it comes to matrimony. Lovers are frequently urged to become familiar with their coming spouse’s tradition from a quite young age in order to better know one another. This is particularly true when...


Projekt ”Namysłów EKO+POZYTYWNY” Jako społeczeństwo stajemy się coraz bardziej świadomi ekologicznie, co jest niewątpliwie jednym z ważniejszych trendów ostatnich lat. Spółka EKOWOD od lat wdraża działania, których celem jest ochrona środowiska naturalnego.Edukację...

Term Paper Writer – Find One to Save You Time

The very first thing you will need to do before hiring a term paper writer is to limit your candidate list. What exactly are the things which you ought to be looking for when you’re conducting a word paper screening?Among those things which you need to look at...

Online dating for meeting people from other countries

It’s a great way to find matches who share your interests and beliefs, which is why online dating has become so popular for meeting people. There are a few things to remember, though. For starters, online dating is n’t a replacement...

Features of the Puerto Rican People

Taino, Spanish, African, and Indian nations, as well as their possess distinctive languages and practices, make up Puerto Ricans. These individuals brought their lively populations with them when they immigrated to the United States, reshaping places like new York...

How to be a Better Wife

There are many things you can do to strengthen your marriage once you’re married. You can do a lot to retain your wedding strong and happy, whether it’s by spending more time together, talking about important subjects, or simply being more attentive. If...

Enjoying the Latvia Life

Latvia is a stunning nation with an amazing traditions and distinctive customs that are unmatched elsewhere. It is a truly one-of-a-kind getaway for anyone looking to discover Europe’s hidden pearl thanks to its mouthwatering Baltic cuisine, radiant festivals,...


  Na ręce Prezesa ZWiUK ”EKOWOD”  Artura Masiowskiego „wpłynęły” kolejne już w tym roku podziękowania. Otrzymaliśmy je od Stowarzyszenia Opieki Długoterminowej w Namysłowie. Cieszymy się że mogliśmy pomóc i dziękujemy za miłe słowa....
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